Physical Education and Health
Mission: To inspire and prepare students to live a healthy and balanced life to achieve their potential and enhance our global community.
PE and Health Curriculum for Grades 6-8
Grade 6
Physical Education
Am I fit and healthy? How do I stay fit and healthy? How do I improve my fitness and health?
Health-related fitness incorporates the areas of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, nutrition and other health related topics. In the sixth grade an integrated approach is used. We integrate these fitness concepts into all our units during warm-ups, cool-downs, skill practice, and game play/performances. Students must develop lifelong habits of activity that insure daily moderate and vigorous exercise. Technology (pedometers) is used as a tool to improve fitness.
- Demonstrates the importance of cardiovascular fitness and ways to achieve it through a variety of activities
- Demonstrates the knowledge of static stretches and the ability to apply static stretches to large muscle groups
- Participates in a variety of muscular strength and muscular endurance activities and understands the impact on large muscles groups
- Analyzes their own eating and drinking habits as related to their physical activity levels
- Participates in the CT Physical Fitness Assessment and relates their performance to personal fitness
- Sets a SMART fitness goal based upon their performance on the CT Physical Fitness
Adventure Education
How does what I say or do effect my group? How do we solve this problem as a team?
Adventure education at the sixth grade level consists mainly of cooperative games to promote positive relationships and productive teamwork. Cooperative games are noncompetitive and experiential opportunities, which encourage participants to communicate, listen, trust, and strategize with others.
- Demonstrates active listening skills when working on a group task
- Demonstrates effective communication skills when working on a group task
- Demonstrates effective problem solving skills when working on a group task
The steps to problem solving (planning, brainstorming, and strategizing before beginning task; trying a solution using effective communication skills; adjusting and refining the plan if not successful; accomplishing the task; analyzing process upon completion)
Individual, dual, and team sports
What do I need to do to be an effective player? What makes a successful team?
During the middle school years students refine the basic motor skills and movement patterns into more specific sports related skills and strategies. Hand-in-hand with the skills and strategy development is the achievement of self-initiated behaviors that promote success in activity settings. These include safe practices, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation, teamwork, ethical behavior in sport, and positive social interaction. In keeping with these standards, the sport offerings give students a chance not only to learn and practice skills in isolation, but also opportunities to use them in actual gamelike situations using basic strategies.
Students in grade six may participate in the following sports:
- Invasion sports (basketball, flag football, lacrosse, soccer, team handball, ultimate Frisbee): strategies include right shot/right time; lead passing, pivoting, cutting, receiving, defensive positioning
- Track and Field: long jump, long distance running, relay, shot put, sprinting, safety, the importance of staying physically active. If time allows, the triple jump, hurdles, high jump, and sprinting will be included
- Volleyball: Set pass, bump, underhand serve, strategies (ready position, use of space, covering), communication skills, rotation, rules of the game
Creative Dance
What does this creative dance express? How can I make this creative dance better?
Dance is an essential part of a comprehensive physical education program. Dance provides a balance between functional and expressive purposes of movement. In sixth grade we focus on creative dance. The Laban movement framework and the artistic creative process (create, perform, respond, revise, and perform) forms a basis for this unit.
- Performs combinations of dance steps with smooth transitions. Laban’s framework of movement will provide the foundation.
- Performs movements with an emphasis using the whole space (stage) in a variety of ways
- Performs movement combinations/phrases using directionality
- Works cooperatively as individuals, with partners, and in small groups
- Performs dance steps and patterns to a variety of inspirations (silence, sounds, poems, stories, art work, beat patterns, music)
- Practices literal movement, abstract, and narrative movements
- Creates a dance to an inspiration (student choice) using the artistic creative process
- Gives effective feedback to help peers improve performance
Health Education
Substance Abuse Prevention
If I know illegal drugs are bad, how do I say no?
- Knows the long and short term effects of tobacco and inhalant use
- Analyzes the techniques the media uses to encourage or discourage use of tobacco or inhalant
- Analyzes internal factors (i.e. curiosity) and external factors (i.e. peer pressure) that may affect one’s decision to use or not use tobacco or inhalants
- Practices using refusal skills in situations where tobacco and inhalants are being offered
- Identifies resources in the school and the community that help with problems related to tobacco or inhalants
First Aid and Babysitting
Are the children safe? What would I do in an emergency situation?
- Identify ways to recognize, limit, and remove safety related problems in the home, including toys that are appropriate for children at different developmental stages
- Recognize whom and when to call during emergency situations
- Practices first aid procedures for a variety of situations-breathing emergencies, chocking situations, injuries involving wounds and bleeding
Healthy Relationships and Communication- Growth and Development
What is a positive friendship? How does what I say or do effect others? What is happening to me?
- Understands and practices communication skills that promote positive, meaningful friendships and family relationships
- Describes the physical, mental, and emotional changes that occur during puberty, including the importance of good hygiene
- Reviews structure and function of the male and female reproductive anatomy
- Identifies and accesses valid and reliable sources of information about human growth and development. Include parents as a primary resource
- Analyzes how parents, peers, and the media influence the decisions that adolescents make around the issues of sexuality
Grade 7
Physical Education
Am I fit and healthy? How do I stay fit and healthy? How do I improve my fitness and health?
Health-related fitness incorporates the areas of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, nutrition, and other health related topics. In the seventh grade we teach a specific fitness unit, as well as integrating these fitness concepts into all our units during warm-ups, cool-downs, skill practice, and game play/performances. Students must develop lifelong habits of activity that insure daily moderate and vigorous exercise. Technology (heart rate monitors or pedometers) is used as a tool to improve fitness.
- Participates in a variety of aerobic and non-aerobic activities
- Uses heart rate monitors to assess their fitness
- Performs dynamic warm-ups specific to activities being performed
- Defines basic weight training terminology
- Demonstrates basic weight training techniques and safety in the weight room
- Participates in the CT Physical Fitness Assessment and relates their performance to personal fitness
- Sets a SMART fitness goal based upon their performance on the CT Physical Fitness Assessment
- Designs and implements a plan to improve their fitness level
- Discusses the benefits of eating smaller meals throughout the day, rather than larger portions less often
- Explains the importance of eating and drinking regularly to enhance physical and mental performance
Adventure Education
How does what I say or do impact my group? How do we solve this problem as a team? How do we begin to trust each other as a team? How does goal setting help my team?
Adventure education at the seventh grade level consists mainly of cooperative games to promote positive relationships and productive teamwork. Cooperative games are noncompetitive and experiential opportunities, which encourage participants to communicate, listen, trust, and strategize with others.
- Demonstrates trust
- Demonstrates effective communication skills when working on a group task
- Demonstrate effective problem solving skills when working on a group task Applies the steps of goal setting (the What-a realistic long and short term goal; the How— options with their potential positive and negative outcomes; task; the choice and implementation; the How Did We Do and How Do We Improve-assessment and refinements)
The steps to problem solving include planning, brainstorming, and strategizing before beginning task; trying a solution using effective communication skills; adjusting and refining the plan if not successful; accomplishing the task; and analyzing process upon completion.
Individual, dual, and team sports
What do I need to do to be an effective player? What makes a successful team?
During the middle school years students refine the basic motor skills and movement patterns into more specific sports related skills and strategies. Hand-in-hand with the skills and strategy development is the achievement of self-initiated behaviors that promote success in activity settings. These include safe practices, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation, teamwork, ethical behavior in sport, and positive social interaction. In keeping with these standards, the sport offerings give students a chance not only to learn and practice skills in isolation, but also opportunities to use them in actual gamelike situations using basic strategies.
Seventh graders may participate in the following sports:
- Invasion sports (basketball, field hockey flag football, lacrosse, soccer, team handball, ultimate Frisbee): strategies include right shot/right time; lead passing, pivoting, cutting, receiving, defensive positioning
- Badminton: serve, overhead clear, drop shot, smash, strategies (i.e. shot choice, use of open space), rules, doubles and single play, court etiquette
- Volleyball: skill review-set pass, bump (forearm pass), underhand serve; more advanced skills and strategies (i.e. overhand serve, skill combinations, ready position, use of space, covering); communication skills; rotation; rules of the game.
Creative Dance
What does this creative dance express? How can I make this creative dance better?
Dance is an essential part of a comprehensive physical education program. Dance provides a balance between functional and expressive purposes of movement. In sixth grade we focus on creative dance. The Laban movement framework and the artistic creative process (create, perform, respond, revise, and perform) forms a basis for this unit.
- Performs combinations of dance steps with smooth transitions. Laban’s framework of movement will provide the foundation.
- Performs movements with an emphasis using the whole space (stage) in a variety of ways
- Performs movement combinations/phrases using directionality
- Works cooperatively as individuals, with partners, and in small groups.
- Performs dance steps and patterns to a variety of inspirations (silence, sounds, poems, stories, art work, beat patterns, music)
- Practices literal movement, abstract, and narrative movements
- Creates a dance to an inspiration (student choice) using the artistic creative process
- Gives effective feedback to help peers improve performance
- Demonstrates being a good audience
Health Education
Am I a healthful eater? Is this a healthy eating choice for me? What influences my choices?
- Understands basic nutritional information and terms- i.e. nutrients, empty calories, Dietary Guidelines
- Reads and interprets information on food labels
- Analyzes one’s own diet for nutritional value, applying one’s knowledge of six basic nutrients and the food pyramid
- Makes healthy eating choices
- Explains how the media, family habits, cultural background influences one’s decisions in selecting food and snacks. Include a discussion of body image.
Violence Prevention
Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Harassment: What do I do if someone is being picked on or harassed?
- Understands the key concepts, school rules, and laws relating to bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment
- Knows how to access school and community resources to assist victims of bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment
- Practices effective communication skills
- Strategies to manage and resolve conflict in healthy ways, including peer mediation
- Refusal and negotiation skills to enhance health
Substance Abuse Prevention
How do a reach my goal of remaining substance free? How can I say “no” and still keep my friends?
- Knows the effects of alcohol or marijuana use
- Analyzes the influence of culture, media, technology, and other factors on behaviors and decisions related to alcohol, marijuana, and other substance use/non-use
- Knows the consequences for using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs
- Knows where and how to locate resources to support the abuser or his/her friends and family
- Practices ways to stay drug free
Growth and Development
What are these changes I am going through? What is a healthy relationship? What skills do I need to maintain safe and healthy relationships?
- Knows the basics of the male and female anatomy, including the development of the fetus from conception to birth
- Understands why abstinence is the only 100% safe and reliable method to prevent pregnancy
- Knows what a healthy and safe friendship is and how to maintain it
- Analyzes the ways the media influences one’s behaviors and decision making related to sexuality
- Uses refusal skills in regards to situations involving relationships and sexual issues
- Accesses resources related to information on adolescence, pregnancy and related issues of sexuality
Growth and Development - HIV/AIDS
What exactly is HIV/AIDS? Where do I get accurate information?
- Knows the stages and symptoms of HIV/AIDS, including methods of transmission
- Explains the ways to protect oneself from HIV/AIDS, including abstinence
- Knows how to access community resources and adults to help a person with HIV/AIDS or his/her family /friends
- Knows how to get accurate, updated information about AIDS and HIV from a variety of resources, including the Internet
Grade 8
Physical Education
Am I fit and healthy? How do I stay fit and healthy? How do I improve my fitness and health?
Health-related fitness incorporates the areas of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, nutrition, and other health related topics. In the eighth grade we teach a specific fitness unit, as well as integrating these fitness concepts into all our units during warm-ups, cool-downs, skill practice, and game play/performances. Students must develop lifelong habits of activity that insure daily moderate and vigorous exercise. Technology (heart rate monitors and pedometers) is used as a tool to improve fitness.
- Applies the target heart rate to all cardiovascular activities.
- Student will be given the age appropriate range of heart rate.
- Uses heart rate monitors as tool to assess fitness levels and intensity of exercise.
- Uses dynamic warm-ups to get the body ready for physical activity.
- Demonstrates the ability to develop a basic resistance-training plan incorporating weighttraining logs.
- Uses sound hydration principles during exercise.
- Participates in the CT Physical Fitness Assessment and relates their performance to personal fitness.
- Sets a SMART fitness goal based upon their performance on the CT Physical Fitness Assessment.
- Designs and implements a plan to improve their fitness level.
- Explains the benefits of eating smaller meals throughout the day, rather than larger portions less often
- Understands the dangers of using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs.
Adventure Education
What do good leaders do? What makes an effective team?
Adventure education offers a series of opportunities to promote positive relationships and productive teamwork. As the students experiment, plan, and strategize together, they learn to listen, trust, and communicate. There are three components of adventure education: cooperative games, low challenge elements, and high challenge elements.
- Cooperative games: noncompetitive and experiential opportunities, which encourage participants to communicate, listen, trust, and strategize with each other.
- Low challenge elements: physical problem solving tasks are located near the ground. To solve each task, groups of students must work together as a team; building off the communication skills, strategies, and trust they developed during the cooperative games.
- High challenge elements: physical elements are set from eight to fifty feet off the ground. These “challenge by choice” tasks require group support and challenge one’s own personal commitment.
- Discusses the qualities of an effective leader.
- Demonstrates leadership and followship during group physical activities.
- Demonstrates effective communication skills when working on a group task.
- Demonstrates effective problem solving skills when working on a group task.
The steps to problem solving include planning, brainstorming, and strategizing before beginning task; trying a solution using effective communication skills; adjusting and refining the plan if not successful; accomplishing the task; and analyzing process upon completion.
Individual, dual, and team sports
What do I need to do to be an effective player? What makes a successful team?
During the middle school years students refine the basic motor skills and movement patterns into more specific sports related skills and strategies. Hand-in-hand with the skills and strategy development is the achievement of self-initiated behaviors that promote success in activity settings. These include safe practices, adherence to rules and procedures, etiquette, cooperation, teamwork, ethical behavior in sport, and positive social interaction. In keeping with these standards, the sport offerings give students a chance not only to learn and practice skills in isolation, but also opportunities to use them in actual gamelike situations using basic strategies.
Eighth graders may participate in the following sports:
- Invasion sports (basketball, field hockey flag football, lacrosse, soccer, team handball, ultimate Frisbee): strategies include right shot/right time; lead passing, pivoting, cutting, receiving, defensive positioning
- Badminton: serve, overhead clear, drop shot, smash, strategies (i.e. shot choice, use of open space), rules, doubles and single play, court etiquette
- Volleyball: skill review-set pass, bump (forearm pass), underhand serve; more advanced skills and strategies (i.e. overhand serve, skill combinations, ready position, use of space, covering); communication skills; rotation; rules of the game.
Creative Dance
What does this creative dance express? How can I make this creative dance better?
Dance is an essential part of a comprehensive physical education program. Dance provides a balance between functional and expressive purposes of movement. In eighth grade we focus on creative dance. The Laban movement framework and the artistic creative process (create, perform, respond, revise, and perform) forms a basis for this unit.
- Performs combinations of dance steps with smooth transitions. Laban’s framework of movement will provide the foundation.
- Performs movements with an emphasis using the whole space (stage) in a variety of ways.
- Performs movement combinations/phrases using directionality.
- Works cooperatively as individuals, with partners, and in small groups.
- Performs dance steps and patterns to a variety of inspirations (silence, sounds, poems, stories, art work, beat patterns, music).
- Practices literal movement, abstract, and narrative movements.
- Creates a dance to an inspiration (student choice) using the artistic creative process.
- Gives effective feedback to help peers improve performance.
Health Education
Physical Activity and Wellness
Am I healthy? How can I improve my health and physical fitness?
- Knows the components of wellness and fitness
- Understands heart rate zones and their relationship to wellness and fitness
- Evaluates one’s own wellness and fitness levels
- Uses the goal setting process to improve one’s fitness levels
Stress and Stress Management/Suicide Prevention
What can I do to help manage my stress? Where could I go if I thought a friend, family member or myself needed help?
- Evaluates one’s own lifestyle, including personal stressors
- Demonstrates and understands effective strategies to manage stress
- Knows the warning signs of suicide
- Identifies and knows how to access school and community resources
Substance Abuse Prevention - Performance Enhancing Drugs and Club Drugs
Why should I be drug free? What can I do to promote the healthy behaviors of others?
- Knows the effects and consequences related to steroids, club drugs, and performance enhancing drugs
- Understands the different roles taken on by family members and friends of a chemically dependent person
- Identifies and locates helping resources
- Takes a clear, health enhancing regarding substance abuse.
Growth and Development - Relationships and Sexuality
How do I deserve to be treated? How do my decisions impact others and myself?
- Understands the difference between a health and an unhealthy relationship
- Practices effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills
- Knows the pathogens, symptoms, and methods of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases
- Understands why abstinence is the only form of safe sex
- Compare the effectiveness of various contraception methods
- Discusses the short and long term effects of teenage sexual behavior, including the risks and responsibilities associated with teenage pregnancy
- Knows where to get valid health information and how to access services and resources