

Joy Wright

Principal/Lead Learner

Justin Gusy

Assistant Principal

Teams: Opal (7), Sapphire (7), Garnet (7 & 8), Amethyst (8)

Sonya Stemmer

Assistant Principal
admin 2022


We want the middle school years to be memorable, and we encourage students to be good KP Citizens by working diligently in their classes and participating in as many school activities as they can.


The faculty, staff, and administration welcome you to King Philip Middle School. We take great pride in our school and believe the middle school years are a unique opportunity for students to explore and develop their passion(s), increase their knowledge and understanding, hone their skills, and demonstrate good citizenship.

Our school motto is: “Character Counts at KP.” We believe students will meet success when they commit to being a student who is RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and a GOOD CITIZEN. We are a community that believes in recognizing the characteristics we expect, and we hope to see students recognized as a Student of the Month, as a recipient of a Character Counts at KP award or with a postcard mailed home.

Our highly competent and caring staff is ready to provide rigorous instruction and to counsel students to make good choices. However, we realize that all successes are a result of strong partnerships and deep collaboration between all members of the school community. I am excited to partner with you in supporting our students to become active learners who enhance both the school and greater community.

Your Partner in Education,

Joy K. Wright
Lead Learner
King Philip Middle School
